Onsite application of anti-corrosion coatings & heating treatment

GOC Group is specializing in the onsite application of anti-corrosion coatings, heat treatment and other support services during construction of onshore and offshore oil, gas and product pipelines in Kuwait.
The coating industry was established in 1992. This industry has grown from a small scale sandblasting and painting shop to a multi-diversified company offering services in the fields of external and internal coatings, tank fiberglass lining, tank lining, wrapping of pipes, heat shrink applications, elastmeric polyurethane coatings, cement lining, gunite lining of pressure vessels, fire proofing and treatment to concrete floor toppings. This company has grown to the extent that it now accounts for the major part of the works at GOC Group.
GOC Group workshop is based at Mina abdullah Kuwait, in a total of 10,000 m2, .
Our local staff are competent engineers, skilled welders , pipe fitter, instrument and electrical technicians with decades of experience in fabrication and erection in Oil and Gas equipment's.
Coating challenges
There are ever increasing challenges for coating applicators as offshore cycle times reduce, overland pipelines are laid in more demanding conditions and in all cases the bare steel section and at welded joints becomes larger to accommodate automated welding and inspection. Compound this with ever more stringent specifications for more arduous pipeline operating conditions and it is easy to perceive why the industry is focused on proper and efficient application of field all kind of coatings including cement lining, gunite lining of desalters and bund walls, HSS application of weld joints including materials.
Corrosion poses the single biggest threat to the integrity of the world's pipelines and anticipating these problems requires GOC Group to undertake research and development initiatives that provide our clients with solution-based services covering application equipment, trained and experienced technicians and suitable materials. We understand the necessity of working alongside both the main contractors and owners to provide a total project service for all kind of coatings of your pipelines.
As an experienced independent coating contractor, GOC Group fully understands the necessity for working alongside both main contractors and owners to provide a total project service for coating of their pipelines. On time, on budget and to specification are key parameters in the GOC Gourp business philosophy. However, this is never allowed to overshadow the primarily important factor of health and safety on construction worksites. Operating accredited health and safety management system, GOC Group places primary focus on achieving zero accidents both in the field and throughout the business operation.
- Cement lining
- Grit / Garnet Blasting
- External painting
- Internal lining
- Gunite lining
- Tank lining
- Fireproofing
- Coating & wrapping
- Heat shrink sleeves
- Equips
Cement Lining

GOC Group all over Kuwait is applying a highly specialized cement-mortar lining process. With proven results and years of experience in cement mortar lining, our process is the most cost effective way to rehabilitate an old line that has become craggy and corroded over time. It is also an ideal lining for new pipe before it is put into service.
Due to its unique chemical structure, the cement lining is a natural corrosion inhibitor and provides an excellent internal layer of protection against pipe corrosion. Additionally, its other benefits include increased water flow efficiency, leak stoppage, and red water elimination.
We are confident that by using our services, you can save up to 60% over the cost of replacing an existing line and lengthen the life of your line by 50 to 100 years.
Grit / Garnet Blasting

GOC Group has the equipment to do the blasting for pipes varying from 3 inch diameter to pipes, fittings and tanks of massive size. The blasting process can be broadly divided into External Blasting and Internal Blasting. The materials that are used for the blasting are sand, granite or Grit depending upon the requirement.
A profile is created as per the client's requirement. External Blasting is the process whereby sand or the relevant material is pneumatically blasted onto the metal surface to remove rust etc.
The blasted surface is then air cleaned and if necessary washed down with solvents, to remove grease or oil spots, before painting.
Internal blasting is the process whereby a blasting machine is inserted into the pipe and winched along the pipe while pneumatically blasting the internals. The rate of movement depends upon the finished required.
External Painting

GOC Group has the equipment to do the external lining for pipes varying from 1 inch diameter to pipes, fittings and tanks of massive size.
For most external lining system airless spray system is used for the application. Prior to the lining process the pipe should be blasted. The DFT and the painting system depend upon the client's requirement.
Internal Lining

In gas transmission, the use of liquid epoxies brings substantial advantages. It protects against corrosion prior to installation and during production, which extends the life of the pipeline.
The reduced surface roughness improves flow efficiency which allows the operator to run fewer compression stations, so saving power and increasing the profitability of the line.
For potable water and effluent transmission lines, the hot-applied, solvent-free epoxies comply with all of the stringent environmental requirements. This lining has excellent corrosion properties and adhesion, a very smooth internal surface and a high resistance to abrasion. These characteristics maintain the purity of the product during transportation.
If requested by the customer, GOC Group can also provide in-site cement mortar lining which offers good resistance to corrosion owing to the use of sulphate-resistant cement and the mortar's structure.
Gunite Lining

GOC Group, all over the Kuwait to apply our highly specialized Gunite lining process. With proven results and years of experience in Gunite lining, our process is the most cost effective way.
Due to its unique chemical structure, the gunite lining is a natural corrosion inhibitor and provides an excellent protection against correction in tank areas.
We are confident that by using our services, you can save up to 60% over the cost comparing other methods.
- Gunitelining for fesalters.
- Gunitelining of bundwalls.
We are doing
Tank Lining

GOC Group Painting and Coatings division provides all types of surface coating solutions for aboveground storage tanks as well as industrial and marine applications such as piping and vessels.
A wide variety of internal and external applications are offered, including standard or special surface preparation, application methods and techniques and multi-coat systems, all designed to meet your specific needs.
Anticipated service, site, temperature, environmental and operating conditions vary considerably, so it is necessary that industrial painting and coating services accommodate these variable conditions.
GOC Group is experienced personnel work closely with our customers and with coating manufacturers to determine the most appropriate coating system for the proposed application. Whether one is considering an epoxy, zinc rich epoxy, polyurethane, water acrylic, inorganic zinc, polyamide, phenolic, coal tar mastic, silicone, alkyd, enamel, vinyl-ester, latex, FRP or other type coating system, HMT can provide the expertise needed for a long lasting protective coating.

Most of the petrochemical, chemical processing, Gas processing, refinery facilities and facility utility application fields should protect from fire. Fire proofing applied directly to the steel, at various rates of application, which will be job dependent using standard plastering type equipment or continues mixer/ pump units. A spray gun with a property sized orifice with spray shield, and air pressure at the nozzle of approximately 140 KN/M2 (20psi) will provide the correct hangability, density and appearance.
We have near about eight years good experience in the fire proofing field; we have already done tanks, structural,etc
Coating & Wrapping

GOC Group has the equipment to do the coating and wrapping for pipes varying from 1 inch diameter to pipes, fittings and tanks of massive size. Blasted pipes are applied with a coating of primer before wrapping are done.
The wrapping is done when the primer is in touch dry condition.
The wrapping material can be of one shade or two as per the requirement of the client. The wrapping process can be achieved by two methods. In the first case, the pipe is rotated at a constant rate and the wrapping applied on to it. In the second case, the pipe is kept stationary and the wrapping machine rotated around it. A double layer can be applied if required by the client. The wrapping is done tightly so that air bubbles are avoided during wrapping.
Heat Shrink Sleeves

We are specialized in the applicator for field installation on pipe line operating between 40oC and 80oC in most cases these coating can be applied without the necessity of removing the pipe line from service or use of high steel preheat temperature, also we are specialized in the application of heat shrinks on the weld jointed pipes for any size.
After applying the epoxy to a precleaned pipe surface the HTLP sleeve is wrapped around the pipe and a flexible closure is applied to form the sheet into a tube.
Similarly, the retroclad tape can be continuously wrapped around the pipe either by hand or by a conventional tape wrapping machine. With both products, the backing is heat recovered to provide an even tension that forces the moltan adhesive to flow and fill around all pipes irreoulantie. After application, the cured epoxy bonds result in very high adhesive strengths to both the steel and to the thermoplastic adhesive: these high shear stunt materials or able to resist soll stresses and backfilling.
The installed HTLP and retroclad products are both three layer coating (epoxy, thermoplastic adhesive, and cross linked polyolefin backing) that provides a tough, reliable high performance corrosion prevention system that is easily installed in field. We have near about ten years experience in the heat shrink field.
List Of Equipments

No. | Description | Capacity | Brand name |
1. | Air compressor | 1200 CFM | Ingersoll |
2. | Air compressor | 800 CFM | Ingersoll |
3. | Air compressor | 750 CFM | Atlas copco |
4. | Air compressor | 750 CFM | Ingersoll |
5. | Air compressor | 400 CFM | Atlas copco |
6. | Air compressor | 250 CFM | Atlas copco |
7. | Air compressor | 150 CFM | Komatsu |
8. | Forklift | 7 ton | Heaster |
9. | Forklift | 4 ton | Toyota |
10. | Forklift | 2 ton | Caterpillar |
11. | Blasting pot | 200 kg | Clemco |
12. | Internal blasting machine | 8"-36" | Clemco |
13. | Internal blasting machine | 3"-6" | Clemco |
14. | Painting pump (Airless) | 3"-6" | Wiva |
15. | Painting pump (Airless) | 3"-6" | Greco |
16. | Internal painting machine | 3"-6" | Clemco |
17. | Airless spray gun | 3"-6" | Clemco |
18. | Cup gun | 3"-6" | Clemco |
19. | Nozzles | 3"-6" | Clemco |
20. | Holiday machine (External) | 30 kv | Merlin pipe line equipment |
21. | Pinhole detector | Multy | Paint test equipment |
22. | Coating thickness gauge | 0-1500 | Elcometer |
23. | Snape gauge | 0-1 mm | Testex |
24. | Whirling hygrometer | Multy | Elcometer |
25. | Digital themperature gauge | 0-1200C | Elcometer |
26. | Steel temperature gauge | 0-1200C | Elcometer |
27. | Hand scale | 0-22 kg | Elcometer |
28. | Cement mixer | 0-22 kg | Putzmister |
29. | Cement pump | 0-22 kg | Putzmister |
30. | Equipment cement lining | 4"-48" | J & F Tools |
31. | Speed controller (Computerized) | Multy | Semi Minister |
32. | Wrapping machine | Multy | Semi Minister |
33. | Drilling machine | Multy | Semi Minister |
34. | Grinding machine | Multy | Semi Minister |
35. | Air grinding machine | Multy | Semi Minister |
36. | Battery charger | Maximum 5.5 KVA | IkuraArc |
37. | Welding machine | Maximum 5.5 KVA | IkuraArc |
38. | Gas cutter | Maximum 5.5 KVA | IkuraArc |
39. | Gas torch | Maximum 5.5 KVA | IkuraArc |
40. | Generator | Maximum 5.5 KVA | IkuraArc |